How to: Organize Your Time For Multiple Projects

Time time time… this concept has really changed this past year, didn't it? I don't think I've been the only one that has forgotten what day of the week it was during this COVID panorama. When days go by and you really have no idea where time is going, you know some re-organization practices are needed! 


If you’re like me, when time starts slipping away from reason itself, you start overthinking (and worrying) on all the responsibilities that will catch up to you, and the projects that you wanted to do but just ‘hadn't had the time’ to embark on. Looking back into a year of covid, I've realized how much you can optimize time for your projects, just by finding the right tools for YOU. Sounds easy right? HA! (we know it's not).

Anyone can provide organization tools, set to-do lists, goal setting, and whatnot. But, at the end (as many other things in life) being productive with your time is a journey of self discovery. The aim here, is to find ways and resources that will adapt best to you, and you to them. This way it's not a forced action, it's durable! It becomes a healthy natural practice that fits your lifestyle.

If you don't follow me already, and are not aware of what i’ve been up to in the past year, let me tell you (oh and also, follow me!). In one year I have (thankfully) kept my full time 9-5 job in PR, studied français, launched an online store dedicated to Latin American brands for the Canadian public, and I am also in the process of launching an apparel brand. Additionally, I’ve continued to freelance as a creative producer.

And not to mention dealing with the COVID panini itself, baking banana bread, moving apartments twice, living life, plus selling and buying countless things through Facebook Marketplace (lol yes im one of those!).

As you can see, lots has happened. How did I not lose my mind? Well, I've dissected three (effective) pillars that I have practiced through this time, which have really aided my management skills to successfully get everything done. Check them out, test them for yourself, and hopefully a couple will find the way to your life!


1. Give in to the online (free & paid) tools: Despite being an old school kinda gal, AKA writing things down in a notebook and having a mental to-do list, I've learned to rely more and more on the easy apps and platforms available to any of us. These are my go to’s, and TBH, quite simple to use! (Disclaimer! they all get better with a cup of coffee at hand).

  • Notion: This one is my most recent incorporation, and I was hooked when I saw how simple it was to create ‘vision’ boards with timelines and goal setting strategies and roadmaps. Being such a visual person, having all under one platform was a big win! 

    I used to have it all in Google Drive, and it was getting a bit chaotic for me. Notion, has put it all together under one platform, and visually more organized.

    It also allows you to set timelines, interact with colleagues for collaborations and create funnels on specific topics that are more intricate. You can also set priorities and time frames for goal completions, and even attach images, change typo’s etc. I’ve used it mostly to communicate with my business partner for the apparel brand, since we had lots of tasks to finish and we constantly needed material from one another. Plus the free version is really good! 

  • Later: This social media planner app is my FAVOURITE so far. It’s a bit expensive, (about $15 a month for the starter plan). That being said, for my online shop purposes I go in once a week, for 1-2hrs and I plan up to two to three weeks of content, and it will publish on auto on all my platforms. They have really good tutorials and webinars as well which have taught me some tips and tricks about social media.

  • Planoly: I think this one’s pretty good, I like their grid preview way better than Later, and their free version is of much more value (plus their starter plan is more affordable). I am in the process of adapting to both, I’ve been using Planoly for my personal brand, and so far i like it as well. I’ll decide on one app when either platform convinces me on all aspects. 

  • Google Calendar: i know… so basic, but it's been a lifesaver when remembering meetings, zoom calls and multiple webinars. I also add every day things to my iCalendar.  


2. Work in Time blocks: Allow your day to be divided into time blocks. Timeblocks can vary in time, anything from 15 minutes up to 5 hours, the idea is for you to stay on top of all projects at hand, and not miss out on anything. Of course, each project will have a different level of priority or content development, so that is where the difference of time that you put in.

For example, I have 5 projects in total, and I get to all of them in different importance intervals. A typical day can look like: a big chunk of block, that is owned by my full time job, and it's my highest priority. Next off, I plan the level of important tasks for the other 4 ‘jobs’ I'm working on.

Sometimes in one day the agency will take 20 minutes to answer some emails, and i'll move on to another block that requires a higher priority, like for example having a 2 hour block on publishing inventory on the online store, and then perhaps dedicate a 1 hour block for reels creation for the new apparel brand. I also dedicate a random period of timeblock every night to social media engagement.

At the end of the day, you will see that you jumped into all your projects at hand, checked your emails, created content, engaged on social media, plus! you will know what is expected from you the next day. Remember to switch it up every day, so that each project balances out, and you avoid burning out on the same job.  

3. Set Short Term Goals: Personally, I have my long term goals for each project… I write it once, and leave it behind. What I work towards is all the little accomplishments I need to reach in order to follow the overall goal road successfully. By working on the short term goals, I can divide the tasks into smaller more do-able practices, which are the ones I work on during the time blocks.

I also, constantly write in my notebook everything I need to do, even the personal/house things. This way, it's not occupying space in my mind, and I always know what is next on each project when I get to the time blocks… plus checking off things with a pen is ultra satisfactory! 


  • This goes without saying, you will (most likely) not be successful managing multiple things if you don't enjoy them! Other than applying the tools above, this is the one that matters.

    Of course, things may get challenging, but when these arise, see it as opportunities. Where there is challenge there is drive, where there is drive there is pursuit, where there is pursuit there's passion, and, where there is passion, there's light!

  • Remember you are HUMAN, and that this is a process. Be OK with skipping a block or a project for a day or two. Allow yourself. It’s ok! If you’re not a doctor, your projects are probably not a life or death situation. Make sure the high importance elements of the jobs are done, or that no one is depending on your job completion for theirs. For the rest, let your motivation kick in and health come first.

Try some of these out, and share your experience!




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